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The modern day pregnancy - My MAM Baby
The modern day pregnancy - My MAM Baby

Tips & Advices The modern day pregnancy

The modern day woman has evolved over the years and so has the way they go about daily life. A woman of this new era is bold, beautiful and loud. Matters that shy away women of the older generation is embraced with grace, elegance and flaunted by the women of today. If you look at pregnancy and how it has changed over the years, you will realize that a pregnant mother in this generation is not shy or seen hiding her baby bump. They are more than happy to announce their pregnancy and flaunt the bump.

In the modern day, pregnant women are out there changing the world while carrying and growing a life within them. They are no longer confined at home but going out to work and providing for the family as well. These women are bolder and louder in their actions as well whereby they are breaking the glass ceiling and putting themselves out there. Back in the olden days, pregnant women were not seen much in the crowd whilst today moms with a bump are walking the ramp. It’s just amazing how things have changed, and women metamorphosed.

Being pregnant is a blessing and privilege. A pregnant woman deserves all the tender love and care she can get be it from herself or those around her. These modern day moms are out there rocking their pregnancy and indulging in activities to keep them fit and fabulous. Let’s look at how the modern day pregnancy looks like.

1. Prenatal Yoga

There are many pre-natal yoga classes that have mushroomed over the years to cater to pregnant mothers who wish to exercise, maintain a healthy body and manage the aches and pains in an effective and enjoyable manner. The stretching done is gentle yet works great to reduce backaches and nausea. It is said to enhance sleep, lower stress and anxiety as well as boost strength and flexibility during childbirth.

2. A healthy diet

Eating well is something important to look into for pregnant moms as what they feed themselves, is what the baby gets. A healthy diet reflects a healthy lifestyle and especially vital if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Eating healthily during pregnancy will help your baby’s development and growth positively. “Do I eat for two?” you may ask. Nope, contrary to the popular belief, you may need to increase your frequency and quality of eating but not necessarily the quantity. Some of the foods that you can include in your diet are more fruits and vegetables, starchy foods like rice, bread and potatoes, protein along with dairy.

3. Essential Oils

Essential oils have gained quite a popularity in today’s world and are said to be able to aid and manage one’s wellness naturally. Unlike in the past, pregnant moms today are more stressed and worked-up due to the many hats they wear. Therapeutic grade essential oils are known to help mothers relax, enjoy a more quality sleep and de-stress themselves. Not all essential oils are the same or safe hence to maximise the use of essential oils to empower your pregnancy journey, you need to have the right knowledge and understanding of these oils. Some of the neutral and safe ones are lavender, lemon, peppermint and orange.

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