Yay, you completed the first trimester of your pregnancy! Welcome to phase two which is known as the ‘honeymoon period”. Most women find this second trimester to be more relaxing as they have adjusted themselves and their bodies during the first trimester. You will feel more refreshed and renewed as well as more comfortable with your growing belly as the baby isn’t very big yet. On the whole, emotionally and physically, you’re more capable to cope and move around.
Your moods start to soothe and enhance at this stage when you actually start to feel your baby’s subtle movement and first fluttery kicks. It’s safe to say that the ship has left the stormy ocean behind and entered calm waters. However, there are still some symptoms that you might encounter as you cruise through this second trimester. These changes are all normal and only temporary so don’t get over worked up with them. Some of them are as below:
– Growing belly and breasts
- Not only your belly but your breasts will grow gradually too. Get a comfortable and supportive maternity bra with wide straps.
– Skin changes
- As your hormones are changing, it can cause your skin to develop a few brown like patches (melasma) on your face and a dark line running down your belly (linea nigra). You might also start to notice light stretch marks forming on your body too as the abdomen is expending and stretching to make space for your growing belly.